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GoSimple Tips

Tips for everyday life

Zero-waste Shopping 

There is now a packaging-free store in almost every city and, fortunately, conventional stores are also increasingly offering ways to reduce packaging waste when shopping by bringing your own cloth bags or plastic boxes. The packaging-free stores in Basel are run by great people with a lot of passion and commitment who are happy to share their experiences and knowledge with exciting additional offers such as workshops and theme evenings. In this way, they enrich our city through valuable encounters and promote dialogue on alternative consumption in an inspiring way. It is also of course worthwhile to always have sufficient quantities of products or foodstuffs with constant consumption at home and to establish appropriate shopping routines - this makes life easier. Our tip: buy certain foods or products in the packaging-free store, consistently and routinely. Every Tuesday during your lunch break, every four weeks on the way to the hairdresser or every second Thursday before the salsa class.

You can find more tips & tricks here ...

GoSimple_Zero Waste

The personal travel quota

Sometimes the good things are just a few hours away by train. Travelling by train is the epitome of frugality: a comfortable compartment with a delicious picnic, the passing landscape , a good book and time to have a long conversation. If this is too romantic a view of a train journey for you based on other experiences, you should also think of all the delayed flights and wasted hours in traffic jams. Because it's the quantity that counts: perhaps it's worth planning a nice trip by train to Prague, Berlin, Venice, Paris or Barcelona instead of several flights. Maybe even by night train, because there are more and more offers here too. Our tip: Use the enerjoy app to analyse your CO2 emissions for travelling and then define your personal travel quota for an entire year: Where do you definitely want to go? Who do you want to visit? And how can this be achieved with a self-defined quota of CO2 emissions in the coming year? Take your time and get detailed advice at the counter. There are exciting travel destinations with great travel connections and offers that even research professionals cannot find on the Internet alone. As an alternative, it is worth taking a look at the Basel unterwegs website for exciting excursions and bike tours in the region. You can find even more tips and tricks here ...

GoSimple Mobility

Frugality in your City

Don't we all want to live in a city that sees itself as a community, where our concerns are heard and where we can live the life we want? But how are politicians, offices and authorities supposed to know our needs if we don't communicate and seek dialogue? But not everyone is good at actively discussing and sharing opinions with others. Fortunately, that isn't even necessary, because we express our attitudes in our everyday actions and activities anyway. So we automatically contribute to the lively life of the neighborhood when we visit the weekly market or the lovingly run stationery shop , sell our clothes at the flea market , share and exchange tools and household appliances with each other and sponsor a tree. And if you've just thrown your good intention of taking up a new hobby overboard, you could try bathing in a fountain . In addition to the bathing experience itself, this brings valuable human encounters and connects us with our city.

Our tip: Get involved in your neighborhood, for your district , for your city! Because the time we invest here, we get back many times over elsewhere through valuable offers for everyday life. Find out more and network on BaselWandel and Umwelt Basel . Ideas for volunteer work can be found here ...

GoSimple Nutrition

Healthy urban greenery

Diverse green spaces in the city are home to plants and animals and serve as a place for city dwellers to rest and relax. And anyone who has the opportunity to garden on their balcony will notice that their own little herb garden confronts them with the seasons, weather conditions and peculiarities of nature in a different way. Urban greenery is good for maintaining biodiversity and species diversity, as long as you avoid chemical substances and are happy to have insects as guests. And if balcony gardening or even your own garden isn't your thing, you can support initiatives that practice responsible agriculture and supply city dwellers with vegetable and fruit subscriptions, such as Birsmattehof . Or you could try the newly launched vegetable subscription from Planktonbasel , which, as a solidarity farming project, cultivates the city as a decentralized field in a variety of ways.

Our tip: Start with balcony gardening to see if it brings you the joy you hoped for. You can find support for this, for example, at Urbanroots , a committed company from Basel. And until your own greenery grows sufficiently, just try a regional vegetable subscription!

You can find more tips & tricks here ...

GoSimple Balcony Garden

Rule of thumb for buying industrially processed food

We live in a time when hardly anyone sows, cares for and watches their own food grow before harvesting, preparing and eating it. What do we actually eat every day? In times of division of labor and days that are far too short for all the things that need to be done, we are grateful that others take care of it and that our dinner is prepared for us on the supermarket shelf. If desired, it can even be prepared as a meal, ready to eat without much extra effort. But that is not necessarily healthy in the long term, neither for people nor for the planet. An interest in where and how our food is produced and which vegetables are in season is good for people and nature. Our tip: When shopping, reduce the proportion of heavily industrially processed products. This is because the ingredients of food are more likely to develop their qualities when we take care of the preparation of our food ourselves and leave as little of it as possible to the pre-processing industry.

Always avoid products with a list of more than ten different ingredients and look for an alternative instead. For example, instead of ready-made muesli, choose oatmeal, apple and honey. The less processed and additives, the better. You can check this easily with the Yuca app . You can find more tips and tricks here ...

GoSimple Nutrition

Active Mobility

Cold, grey, wet - a typical winter morning in our latitudes and things aren't looking any better for the whole week. The car is parked not far down the street, the bike is in the basement, the rain cape is lying slightly dusty on the cupboard. The resolution to cycle to work more often this year has turned into a guilty conscience. This week you should definitely not start to fundamentally change your own mobility behaviour. But postponed is not cancelled. Our tip: define a weather situation including a minimum temperature at which you will tackle your plan. Write these conditions prominently on your pin board or on a note on the fridge so that you are reminded of them every day. In addition, make yourself a 10-pack bonus card, like the ones you get at the bakery for bread or coffee. As soon as the weather you want arrives, there is no excuse: the car stays at home, you go on the (rental) bike and you can tick off one box on the bonus card for each journey to work. From now on, you'll take your bike, no matter what the weather is like, and diligently tick it off - but exceptions are of course allowed, otherwise you wouldn't need the card. And when the bonus card is full, you'll treat yourself to something you've been denying yourself for a long time: maybe even a drive to work in really crappy weather - who knows! You can find more tips & tricks here ...

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