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Live simple with GoSimple


4 months, 4 challenges, and lots of inspiration !

Four exciting workshops, supplemented by additional online talks featuring sustainability experts, await you. These talks will offer diverse expert knowledge and valuable tips and tools for a more sustainable life, enhancing your learning experience and providing practical guidance.


The project is funded by the 3FO Foundation, Swisslos and other partners. The cost per household for the entire duration of the programme is 100 Swiss francs.

Program - Elements

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The workshops of the GoSimple program 2024


Food (Waste) & Footprint


We'll start with a topic that concerns us all and is therefore ideal for getting to know each other: nutrition! Which eating styles really make sense? How do I avoid food waste and why is maintaining food diversity so important? We'll try out new things together and end the afternoon by enjoying the meal we prepared ourselves in a short time.

The first meeting is a joint start to the journey into a life that protects planetary and personal resources. With input from Chris Häner from enerjoy about our footprint, we have a good basis for our further expedition. We get to know the GoSimple program better and take a look at the most important areas that need to be addressed in everyday life.


Saturday, August 31, 2024
14:30 to 18:00


Zero waste and Simple living


The second workshop is dedicated to concrete tips, tools and practices for waste reduction . We provide orientation on the various concepts and approaches to low-consumption action. How does the circular economy work and how can I promote it as a consumer? You will find out all about this in the practical workshop and we will look at ways to reduce waste in everyday life and consume less. Afterwards there will be exciting talks on stress reduction and digital detox. We will show what stress and CO2 reduction have to do with each other and give examples of a slower lifestyle.


Saturday, 21 September 2024
14:30 to 18:00



Local consumption and mobility


At the third meeting, we will explore in different groups offers, initiatives and contact points that support conscious living and consumption in Basel and promote local actors. This can be done on foot, by bike, by e-scooter or by public transport, because in this workshop we will also learn about the advantages of active mobility.

Information on how to navigate the label jungle helps you shop more responsibly. We also show you beneficial alternatives to get through the most commercial time of the year with less. Good for the soul, the planet and your wallet.


Saturday, October 26, 2024
14:30 to 18:00



Frugality in my city


The last workshop focuses once again on the experiences and what has been learned over the last few months. Strategies are to be developed to continue working on the GoSimple topics in the future and to consolidate new habits. The key to this is to firmly anchor new processes in everyday life and to exchange ideas with like-minded people. Where will this take place in the future? What activities connect you with your city? Are you interested in volunteering or is there something missing in your neighborhood that you could initiate? We will ensure that you receive the appropriate support and that the journey of the past few months continues even without GoSimple meetings.


Saturday, 23 November 2024
14:30 to 18:00 hrs


What GoSimple participants like...


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